Holcim nirmanbandhob //

Our Product

Choose from the most innovative product range in the Bangladesh cement market.


Holcim Strong Structure

Holcim (Strong Structure), a Portland Composite Cement (PCC) complies with BDS EN 197-1:2003, CEM II/B-M (S-V-L), 42.5N standard. The usage of this type of cement started from last few decades in Bangladesh. Holcim (Strong Structure) is suitable for all types of construction works as raw material of concrete and mortar. Being PCC types cement containing PFA & slag, Holcim (Strong Structure) provides long term strength development advantage in concrete.

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Holcim Water Protect

A unique tailor made product that addresses the key problems of water seepage, dampness and water ingress that are of significant concern for home builders. Developed through continuous consumer engagement and research, Holcim Water Protect has been scientifically formulated and customized for the Bangladesh market by leveraging LafargeHolcim‘s Smart Blend Technology. Holcim Water Protect a Portland Composite Cement (PCC) complies with BDS EN 197-1:2010, CEM II/B-M (V-S-L), 42.5N standard.

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Holcim Shokti

Country’s 1st rapid early strength cement 50% higher strength in 2 days First ever rapid early strength cement of the country that is applicable for any type of residential and commercial projects for RCC structure, renovation and modernization.

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Supercrete, the only Portland Limestone Cement (PLC) brand in Bangladesh, complies with BDS EN 197-1: 2003, CEM II/ B-L, 42.5N standard. Own clinker production facility and usage ensure the consistent quality of Supercrete Cement.  It is an effective product for versatile concrete solutions with a significant benefit for construction cost savings. It also has an aesthetic demand (Fair Face Surface) and a priority recommended product by construction professionals (Architect & Engineers).

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Aggregates 20 MM

2-5%  Construction Cost Savings |  70-80 TK/m3 savings in Concrete | +2 Mpa Construction Cost savings |  10-12kg/m3 savings in cement per cubic meter | 15-20kg/m3 less aggregates consumption in Concrete

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Supercrete Plus

Supercrete Plus is the number one Fair Facing cement in Bangladesh with “CPR (Concrete Porosity Reduction) & Strength Enhancing Technology” that enhances superior bonding and ensures high strength. Supercrete Plus significantly exceeds the creative requirements of the structures according to the specification in BDS EN 197-1 for Type CEM II/B-L. Supercrete Plus reduces the substantial amount of CO2 in the air that leads towards a sustainable environment. It protects walls from ultraviolet rays and keeps the house cool. Moreover it brings durability and an elegant look to structures.

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Our Expert Team

One-Stop solution to build your dream house. A single online platform that provides you with the best construction services, expert consultancy & technical support

Our Portfolio

A Glance of Our Work

One of the biggest quarries producing world class rock situated at Meghalaya, India.

LafargeHolcim follows world class mining practices employing highly efficient machinery that are amongst the best in the industry. No manual labour is used in the entire mining operations and the company invests in sustainable development, environment management and biodiversity conservation

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Holcim Aggregates are produced under stringent quality control regime with strong quality monitoring process and setup.

Building progress for people and the planet

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Sustainability is at the Core of everything that We Do

We are committed to becoming a net zero company and spearheading the transition towards low-carbon construction, while also promoting a circular economy.

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